Fortunately my mother is a stubborn and sadistic woman sometimes. I am ever so grateful for the home movies we have. I can remember and even see how much my grandmother, great grandmother and aunts HATED the camera. However now that many of my relatives are gone these are the BEST memories I have its sometimes almost like they never left. The world we live in today is ever different in encourage you to go out to your elders and record their stories. I am grateful for what I have but there was so much more I wish I could remember.

DeBorde Coons Gambill Family reunion 1988
April 30th 1988 DeBorde Coons Gambill Family reunion, At Haroldine Doty's (DeBorde) home in Portland, Oregon Also Celebrated was Tiffany Sara Lacy Patterson's Birthday and The 60th Wedding Anniversary of Harold Venroe DeBorde and Evelyn Gambill Clip 1 Time: 10:00min...

Cove Oregon Family Trip
June 11th 1988 My family takes a trip to Cove, Oregon to visit our family and our roots. On the trip we visit the cove cemetery where Harold DeBorde points out family, We Visit the cove public pool a warm spring swimming pool and we also go to the Pendleton Rodeo

PM Magazine in 1982
Philip (Howard) Patterson is showcased by PM Magazine in 1982 when he received a Bionic Arm “The Utah Arm” from the University of Utah designed by Professor Steve Jacobson and created by Motion Control